Malcolm Blaney
Software developer from Brisbane, Australia.
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Hi, welcome to my website! It was created using I Haza Website, which is a website I built.... to make this one! You can create your own website there too just by registering a domain name. Both sites use a content management system I work on called Dobrado.

If you have a website of your own, you can try out a few other projects I've worked on:
  • is a social reader you can log in to. You will be able to follow other websites in a reader and publish responses back to your own site.
  • Create a universal sign-in button for your website, so that you can sign into sites like those mentioned above with one click.
I've also set up a public reader to follow members of the indieweb community. You can add your own blog just by sending it a webmention!

I code in PHP and Javascript, run sites using LAMP and host a few servers. If you're interested in working with me on a project, you can contact me here.
